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6 Helpful Toilet Repair Tips

A toilet repair can save you from the one plumbing problem sending shivers up the spine of homeowners everywhere—toilet clogs. If you want to avoid cleaning up the mess and keep your toilet clog-free, you need to call for a repair service immediately. Even just waiting a little while longer can result in a plumbing catastrophe so costly you may wind up with no money in your wallet. When you allow a clog, overflow, or leak to persist in your toilet, it may lead to significant water damage on the surrounding floor that may cost thousands of dollars to restore. You will also need to worry about expenses like drain repairs or sewer repairs, and even the most dreaded expense of all—high costs on water bills. A leak can waste you water that could have otherwise been put to good use. Not to mention, there is no denying toilet troubles can be unsanitary. When your toilet is leaking out water and who knows what else, it can be difficult just living in your home at all. Your toilet is the most important fixture in your house and one you need on a daily basis. Any problem can greatly disrupt how you function in your home, so it’s best to take a proactive stance in fixing them. When in doubt on how to ensure you avoid trouble altogether, always refer to your local plumbing company.

Why You Need to Call T.Webber for High-Quality Service

Your first choice for toilet repair should always be T.Webber. With a team of licensed, experienced professionals on hand ready to assist with your every need, you can’t go wrong by giving us a call when your toilet is busted. We can closely inspect the fixture to make sure even the smallest problems are identified and repaired immediately.  We also have a wide range of solutions that will be able to take care of any problem. If you think your toilet troubles are new and unlike anything the world of plumbing has ever seen, guess again. Our plumbers have years of experience in tackling toilet issues, so there really isn’t much they have yet to fix. With our help, you will walk away with a greater understanding of what makes your toilet work and, in just as many cases, what doesn’t. Once our plumbers perform repairs, you will notice your toilet working better than ever before, with greater efficiency and longer lifespan to boot.

Easy Toilet Repair Tips

Perhaps you’re not a licensed plumber like the ones at T.Webber, but you can also take steps of your own in making sure your toilet is working to the best of its abilities. Follow these 6 tips to prevent the next plumbing emergency from breaking out:

  1. Educate Members of Your Household: Both the children and adults in your household should be taught about what not to flush down the toilet. At first, it may seem like a meddlesome child would be more to blame, but adults aren’t immune from making mistakes. Anything from cotton swabs to medications to even a child’s favorite toy can be flushed down the toilet, which can allow for clogs to occur easily. Teach your family to keep paper products and household waste products far away from the toilet drain.
  2. Provide an Alternate Method of Disposal: Keeping a small garbage bin in your bathroom is a smart, economical idea. All too often, bathroom occupants will throw materials into the toilet simply because there is no other method of disposal nearby. The garbage bin will ensure they have an alternative, greatly reducing the risk of clogs.
  3. Flush Twice, But Be Cautious: You should definitely flush twice if waste did not go down after the first flushing attempt. However, take note if a second flush is becoming a more common occurrence. You may need to consider that there may be a serious problem with the toilet itself and you should call for professional assistance from T.Webber immediately. Not to mention, multiple flushes are also a waste of water.
  4. Keep Over-The-Toilet Counters and Shelves Clear: Sometimes a toilet clog can occur when an object on over-the-toilet shelves and counters is accidentally knocked into the toilet. These objects may include bottles, cosmetics, and even something as small as cotton swabs. You should always keep counters clear to avoid this possibility.
  5. Use Dish Detergent: Perhaps dish detergent isn’t the first thing that pops into your head when thinking about toilet clog solutions, but it’s undeniably effectively nonetheless. Pouring a few drops of detergent into the toilet along with some hot water will actually work as a lubricant for any source of blockage, making it easier to remove.
  6. Always Know When to Call T.Webber: When in doubt, leave it to the pros. While it’s certainly important for you to do a little toilet maintenance of your own, you should avoid bringing further damage to your toilet that is beyond the point of repair. You may just find yourself replacing it altogether. If there is any problem you don’t know how to handle, always refer to a plumber at T.Webber who will be more than willing to shed light on the situation.

Take Care Of Your Toilet Problems Before They Get Work – Schedule A Toilet Repair Today

Contact T.Webber today if you want to keep your home’s plumbing convenient and sanitary thanks to our highly effective toilet repair!

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